Geriatric massage (massage for the elderly) is a form of massage adapted to the specific needs of seniors, designed to adjust the treatment to the involutional and somatic changes associated with old age. The massage uses special, non-invasive gentle techniques, positioning positions and elements that influence the overall character of the therapy tailored specially for seniors.
Geriatric massage complements the physiotherapy of the elderly.
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Our philosophy is TOUCH that strengthens.
Feeling tactile stimuli through a gentle massage significantly improves the quality of life of seniors on many levels. In senile age, the tactile stimulus is significantly reduced, and it is not known from today what benefits come from a supportive, warm touch of another person, which is an important element of non-verbal communication. Geriatric massage has a unique character and brings positive effects that go beyond the purely medical zone.
My name is Katarzyna and I hold master’s degree in nursing. I have various experience in my profession – started as a nurse in University Clinical Hospital in Poland and then, after moving to Iceland, continued working in Landspitali in Reykjavik. Currently settled as a nurse in Hrafnista nursing home. Working there has given me a lot of satisfaction and I felt like there is something more I could do to make life of the residents more enjoyable.
Since I have finished numerous massage courses – classic, isometric, relaxation, lymphatic drainage, and recently, geriatric massage, I thought this is what I could progress in with focus specifically on elderly people. They need tactile stimulation; it is a great both physical and mental support. I always put all my heart in what I do, and I feel like bringing relief to the most vulnerable through massage, their smile and pure relax time for themselves is my biggest reward and motivator.
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around..."
Leo Buscaglia